Life Insurance For Children With Special Needs

A big passion of mine is helping individuals with autism and other mental conditions. I have a son Daniel who got diagnosed with Autism at age two. My deepest fears were wondering what will happen after I and his dad passes. I decided to set up safety nets for my son using my knowledge of life insurance and with help of Estate Planning. Now I know that my son will have enough money to provide him the life that he is used to even after we are gone! We will sit down with parents or guardians of special needs individuals and help them set up a legacy that will be tax-free and will not interfere with the services that they so need.


Helping You Protect The Things

That Matter Most in Life!



As a Ukrainian-owned business, I will donate 20% of my proceeds to the following charity.


Olena’s Insurance Services
100 State Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02747
By Appointment Only


 [email protected]